Lesson 2: Restaurant Recommendations
I can ask for restaurant recommendations.You will be asked for a recommended restaurant.
You can ask the hotel staff or locals for restaurant recommendations by describing the kind of restaurant that you want to go to.좋아하는 레스토랑을 설명하면 호텔 직원과 현지인에게 추천 레스토랑을 요청할 수 있습니다.

I. Listen and repeat.
![]() inexpensive저렴한 | ![]() affordable당신은 그것을 감당할 수 있습니다 |
![]() charming매력적인 | ![]() decent정돈된 |
![]() chic시크하고 우아한 | ![]() trendy유행 |
II. Which of the adjectives above describe this restaurant? Choose two or three.위의 형용사 중 이 식당을 설명하는 데 사용되는 형용사는 무엇입니까? 2개 또는 3개를 선택합니다..

III. Practice reading the words.
![]() / tr / | ![]() / dr / |
trendy | dreamy |
trip | drip |
trunk | drunk |
Use indirect questions such as Do you know…?, Could you tell me…?, And Do you have any idea…? to ask something politely.
Do you know...?, Can you tell me...?, Do you have a think...?와 같은 간접 의문사를 사용하여 정중한 질문을 할 수 있습니다..UNDERSTAND
Ai is talking to the front desk clerk at the Thai hotel that she and Jake are staying at.
Ai는 Jake와 함께 머물고 있는 태국 호텔의 접수원과 이야기하고 있습니다.
![]() |
- Clerk:
Good evening. How may I help you?
- Ai:
Hi. My husband and I would like to go out to dinner tonight. Do you know where we can find a decent restaurant near here?
- Clerk:
I recommend The Rustique. It's a three-star restaurant that's just a few minutes on foot from here. If you're lucky, the owner might even be there.
- Ai:
Oh, that's great! My husband's very picky. If the owner's there, I'm sure we can get quality service. Thank you. Umm… Could you tell me how we can get there?
- Clerk:
Sure. Go out the main entrance and turn left. The Rustique is just a few meters past the bank.
- Ai:
Okay. Oh, do you have any idea what time they close? It's quite late, but we don't want to rush eating.
- Clerk:
Let me check. (Pause) They close at midnight.
- Ai:
Oh, great! Thank you very much.
- Clerk:
You're welcome. Enjoy your night.
English learners tend to say I recommend you [noun] , but you is actually not necessary in this pattern. You should say I recommend [noun] .
X I recommend you The Rustique.
O I recommend The Rustique.
X I recommend you a shop called Rustyk.
I recommend a shop called O Rustyk.

Change the questions into indirect questions.
다음 질문을 간접 질문으로 바꿔보자.
ex. Where can I go for some decent coffee?
→ Do you know where I can go for some decent coffee?
1. What time does the café open?
→ Do you have any idea __________?
2. Is the view nice?
→ Do you know __________?
3. How trendy is it?
→ Could you tell me __________?
4. Are the desserts good?
→ Do you have any idea __________?
Read the thought bubbles. What do you think each person will ask? Make questions. More than one answer is possible.
풍선에 있는 문장을 읽어보세요. 무엇을 듣고 싶습니까? 의문문을 만들어 봅시다. 항상 하나의 답이 있는 것은 아니다.
I gained five kilos!
ex. Do you have any idea where I can find a gym ?
I really need a new shirt!
1. Do you know __________?
I'm so hungry, but I don't have much money.
2. Can you tell me __________?
I want to party tonight!
3. Do you have any idea __________?
Challenge 1
You and your friend are at a mall overseas. You are looking for a nice restaurant for lunch.
당신과 당신의 친구는 해외 쇼핑 센터에 있고 당신은 점심을 먹기에 좋은 레스토랑을 찾고 있습니다.
Ask the person at the information desk for recommendations. Be sure to do the following:
- Ask for restaurants with a specific atmosphere.
- Ask what kind of food is served there.
- Ask about the price.
- Ask how to get to the restaurant.
안내데스크에서 추천 맛집을 물어보세요. 아래 지침을 따르십시오.
· 특정 분위기의 레스토랑 찾기
· 어떤 음식이 제공되는지 묻습니다.
· 가격대 문의
· 레스토랑에 가는 방법을 묻습니다
Today's grammar tip
- Could you tell me ...?
- Do you know ...?
- Do you have any idea ...?
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Challenge 2
Discuss your ideas.Let me give you your opinion.

I can ask for restaurant recommendations.
Very GoodCould complete the task with ease
GoodCould complete the task with some clarifications
FairCould complete the task with additional instructions
PoorCould somehow complete the task with difficulty
- RANGEHow much can you use the vocabulary?
- ACCURACYWhether the accuracy grammar is used correctly
- FLUENCYWhether you can speak fluently and smoothly
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