Lesson 4: Satisfaction
I can express how satisfied or unsatisfied I am after a meal.You will be able to express whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied with your meal.
Expressing satisfaction with a meal is a great way to compliment a restaurant. Expressing dissatisfaction can help a restaurant improve its food and service.
식사에 만족한다는 말은 레스토랑에 대한 최고의 찬사입니다. 불만을 제기함으로써 식당은 식단과 서비스를 개선할 수 있습니다.

I. Listen and repeat.
![]() undercooked덜 익힌. | ![]() overcooked너무 익힌 |
![]() dry | ![]() juicy고기가 육즙이 |
![]() tender고기가 부드럽다 | ![]() mushy죽을 쫄깃하다 |
II. Which of the words above describe a satisfying meal? Which describe an unsatisfying meal?
위의 만족스러운 요리에 사용하는 단어는 무엇입니까? 불만족스러운 요리에는 어떤 단어를 사용합니까?
III. Practice reading the words.
![]() / ʃ / | ![]() / ʒ / |
mushy | measure |
seashore | seizure |
assure | azure |
Use enough and too with adjectives to say whether or not something is sufficient.
형용사에 too를 추가하면 그것이 무언가에 충분한지 여부를 나타낼 수 있습니다.UNDERSTAND
Ai and Jake ate at one of the restaurants they read about online and are now walking back to their hotel.
Ai와 Jake는 웹사이트에 있는 레스토랑에서 식사를 하고 호텔로 돌아갑니다.
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- Jake:
Are you sure that was a three-star restaurant? The food wasn't even that good.
- Ai:
Oh, really? Well, I enjoyed it.
- Jake:
You enjoyed it? It was horrible! The salad was too dry, the soup wasn't spicy enough, and the stir-fried noodles were way too salty! And, honestly, I think the lobster rolls were overcooked too.
- Ai:
Are you serious? I agree that the stir-fried noodles were a bit too salty, but I thought the lobster rolls were cooked just right. They were tender enough for me. I enjoyed the tom yum soup and salad too. Also, the dessert was amazing. It was just sweet enough. I think the problem is you, not the restaurant!
- Jake:
Maybe your standards are too low.
- Ai:
Well, I did marry you!
- Jake:
(laughs) True, true.
In many cases, the phrases I disagree with you or I don't agree with you can sound like you're trying to start a fight. To express your disagreement politely, you can use Oh, really? or Are you serious? Instead.
A: Tim's a bit rude.
Δ B: I disagree with you. I think he's nice.
A: Tim's a bit rude.
O B: Oh, really? I think he's nice.
"나는 당신에게 동의하지 않습니다" 또는 "나는 당신에게 동의하지 않습니다"라는 문구를 사용하면 상대방과 다툼이 생길 수 있습니다. 당신이 동의하지 않는다고 정중하게 말하려면 "아, 정말요?"라고 말하십시오. 또는 "진심입니까?".
A: Tim is a little rude.
Δ B: I don't think so. I think he is a good person.
A: Tim is a little rude.
O B: Yeah, is that so? I think he is a good person.

Complete the sentences with too or enough.
Fill in the blanks with too or enough.
1. The customer said that the food was not good ______, and she wants her money back.
2. According to her, the chicken satay was ______ dry.
3. She complained that the meat was not tender ______.
4. She also said that the vegetables were way ______ mushy.
You had a bad experience at a restaurant, so you decided to leave a comment on the restaurant's social media page. Complete your comment with enough or (way / a bit) too and the information below. More than one answer may be possible.
당신은 레스토랑에서 끔찍한 경험을 했고 레스토랑의 소셜 미디어에 대해 불평하기로 결정했습니다. 너무 또는 충분하고 아래 문구로 귀하의 의견을 완성하십시오. 항상 하나의 답이 있는 것은 아니다.
ex. waiter = extremely slow
- meal = slightly cold
- squid calamari = mushy
- chicken in the curry = very dry
I had a really bad experience at your restaurant earlier this evening. (Ex.) The waiter was way too slow / not fast enough . When my order finally came, (1) ________. Also, (2) ________. And that's not all : (3) ________! I don't recommend this restaurant to anyone!
Challenge 1
You were invited by your chef friend to attend the opening of his restaurant. After the meal, he came to you to ask your opinion about his food.
셰프인 친구의 초대로 레스토랑 오픈에 참여하게 되었습니다. 식사 후 식사에 대한 자신의 의견을 들으러 오셨습니다.
Tell him what you think.
당신이 어떻게 생각하는지 말해줄게.
Today's grammar tip
- (way / a bit) too
- (not) enough
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Challenge 2
Discuss your ideas.Let me give you your opinion.

Very GoodCould complete the task with ease
GoodCould complete the task with some clarifications
FairCould complete the task with additional instructions
PoorCould somehow complete the task with difficulty
- RANGEHow much can you use the vocabulary?
- ACCURACYWhether the accuracy grammar is used correctly
- FLUENCYWhether you can speak fluently and smoothly
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