I can talk about after-work activities.일 후의 행동에 대해 말할 수 있게 된다.
Some people go home right after work. Other people like to do activities after work.일 후, 곧바로 집에 돌아가는 사람도 있으면, 뭔가 하는 것을 좋아하는 사람도 있습니다.

I. Listen and repeat.듣고 반복합시다.
![]() do after work일 후에 | ![]() take [thing] lessons[물건] 수업을 받다 |
![]() get home귀가하다 | ![]() go for a drink술 마시기 |
![]() eat out외식을 하다 | ![]() make dinner저녁 식사 만들기 |
II. Which of the things above are fun? Which are boring?위에서 즐거운 것은? 어색한 것은?
III. Practice reading the words.단어를 읽는 연습을 하자.
![]() /w/ | ![]() /p/ |
work 일 | fork 돼지고기 |
will 의사 | pill 타블렛 |
we 우리 | pea 완두콩 |
Use who , what , when , where , and how to ask questions.
who, what, when, where, how를 사용하여 질문을 할 수 있습니다.UNDERSTAND
The school day is done. Saori and her coworker Masa are chatting in the teachers' lounge.
학교 하루가 끝났습니다. 사오리와 동료 마사는 직원실에서 이야기하고 있습니다.
![]() |
- Masa:
So, Saori, what do you do after work?
- Saori:
I usually eat out with my best friend, Catherine. Then, we go to karaoke.
- Masa:
Sounds fun! Where do you usually eat out?
- Saori:
Well, we go to different restaurants. But our favorite place is the Pearl Café.
- Masa:
The Pearl Café? That's far from your home, right? How do you get home?
- Saori:
I take the bus. Catherine usually takes a taxi.
- Masa:
Wow, your best friend's rich! (laughs) Anyway, do you want to go for a drink tonight?
- Saori:
Sorry, maybe next time. I have plans tonight.
When people invite you somewhere, it's rude to just say no. Instead, you should use the phrases sorry, maybe next time or sorry, maybe another time .
A: Do you want to see a movie?
X B: No.
A: Do you want to see a movie?
O B : Sorry, maybe next time.
누군가에게 초대를 받았을 경우, 「아니오」라고 말하는 것만으로는 무례합니다. 그럴 때는, 「sorry, maybe next time. ( 미안해, 또 이번)」 또는, 「sorry, maybe another time.
A: 영화를 보지 않겠습니까?
X B: 아니.
A: 영화를 보지 않겠습니까?
O B: 미안해, 또한 이번에.

Unscramble the words in parentheses to make a question.
괄호 안의 단어를 정렬하여 질문 문장을 만듭니다.
ex. (you / when / do) take ikebana lessons?
→ When do you take ikebana lessons?
- (when / they / do) eat out?
- (she / does / where) go after work?
- (who / you / do) go to karaoke with?
- (does / how / she) get home?
- (do / what / you) do after work?
Complete the conversation using the words in the box. Not every word will be used.
상자의 단어를 사용하여 대화를 완성하세요. 모든 단어를 사용하는 것은 아닙니다.
- Student:
_____ do you usually do after work?
- Tutor:
I like to try new restaurants for dinner.
- Student:
Nice! _____ do you eat out with?
- Tutor:
I eat out with my husband.
- Student:
_____ do you usually go? Do you eat around here?
- Tutor:
No, we usually go to Ebisu. There are lots of good restaurants there!
- Student:
Oh, nice! _____ do you get there? Do you take the train or walk from here?
- Tutor:
We usually take the train. We're actually going to try a new restaurant tonight. Do you want to go with us?
- Student:
Sorry, maybe another time! I have to work late tonight.
Challenge 1
You are on a first date.
첫 데이트 중입니다.
Answer your date's questions about what you usually do after work. Ask your date questions as well.
일을 마치고 언제나 무엇을 할 것인가에 대한 상대의 질문에 대답합시다. 상대방에게도 질문을 합시다.
Today's grammar tip
- who
- what
- when
- where
- how
![]() |
Challenge 2
Discuss your ideas.당신의 의견을 말하자.

Very GoodCould complete the task with ease
좋은Could complete the task with some clarifications
FairCould complete the task with additional instructions
PoorCould somehow complete the task with difficulty
- RANGE표현의 폭
어휘를 어느 정도 사용할 수 있을까 - ACCURACY정확성
문법을 올바르게 사용할 수 있는지 여부 - FLUENCY유창함
부드럽게 말할 수 있는지 여부
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